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Easy Steps to Find Missing Pogo Badges is a site which is owned and developed by Electronic Arts. Electronic Arts is a company that develops Computer Games however, in the year 1999 on Sep 1st it launched an online gaming site by the name of It was mainly launched for users who are game lover and wanted access to a variety of games. The site also allows user to download games from their site which can be played at a later time. In order to play these games it is important for the users to have java installed on their browser to enjoy best customer experience while playing games.

In the recent past customer have reported that they are not receiving Badges. Therefore, has come up with the below solution for the help of users. The non delivery of badges could be due to a technical error or in case badge is received it has disappeared The technical team at Electronic Arts can provide only 1 badge to a registered user in case they are able to verify that the badge is purchased or if they have confirmed that the user has lost the badge due to a technical error or sometime face Pogo Login Problems. It is important for the users to note that Mobile Badges will not be visible Pogo Club Badges on browser. They will be visible and available to use only on the mobile.

If you are an owner of Mix n Match or Premium and are unable to locate your badge then please follow the below steps:-

  • Users need to go to My Collection Page
  • In case of Mix n Match Badge, users will have to visit Mix and Match Badge Albums option and select the most recent album. All of these are applicable to badges that were purchased. In case of past purchases users need to search for the badge in the album.
  • In case of Premium, users need to select the option Premium Badge Album.
  • Album will display the users’ badges, In order to activate a Badge, users need to click the Badge Name and then select the option Activate Challenge tab.

Unable to find Badge after Completing a Challenge

Few games on site have a tendency of deliver badges to the users account after sometime. This means the users need not panic instead can find their badges in the badge section under profile or under My Collection in Badge Central. In order to update the site users may need to refresh the page many time to complete the update process. This will help in locating the badge. Users can also try to clear cache and cookies in the browser to view the badges. Once the cache is cleared users can re-open the browser and login in to their Pogo account and follow the below steps:-

How to find Wednesday Challenge Badge

  • Users need to hit My Collection Page
  • Then they need to select the correct year’s album
  • User then need to select the option, which sayslast page in the 2013 album
  • Here the users can view their badges which are in color, it means that the user has successfully completed the Wednesday Challenge Badge.
  • In case the user is still unable to locate he badge then they need to get in touch with EA customer care for help

How to find Badges under Profile Tab

  • Users need to hit Pogo Screen Name which is at the top of the screen
  • Then they need to select the option About Me
  • User then need to select the option which says Badges Tab
  • Here the users can view their complete list of Badges.

How to find Mix-n-Match Badge

  • Users need to tap on My Collection Page
  • Then they need to select the latest Mix n Match Album. This is applicable to only recent badge purchases.
  • Here the users can view their badges in Album which are under Table of Contents,
  • Here the users can view their badges which are in color, users can select the badge to view entire list.
  • In case the user is still unable to locate he badge then they need to get in touch with EA customer care for help

How to find Premium Badge

  • Users need to tap on My Collection Page
  • Then they need to select the latest Premium Badge Album.
  • Here the users select their badges in Album which are under Table of Contents,
  • Here the users can view their badges which will bein color,
  • In case the user is still unable to locate his badge then they need to get in touch with EA customer care for help.

Process to Report Missing Badge

In case the user is still unable to locate their Badges then they can contact customer care. With the below mentioned details:-

  • Users Pogo Screen Name
  • Name of the Badge
  • Games for which the badge is missing
  • Has the user received credit for the specific challenge?
  • If it is complete and the user has still not received the badge.
  • Time and date when the incident happened.
  • Any relevant information that the user feel is important for us to know


The process is very easy and to the point which means very simple to follow. In case users still face any issue or the problem persists then they can reach out to the Pogo Support team at by dialing 1-888-614-3222. The lines to this number is open all day long so the customers need not worry about the time, they are calling in, you can easily call as and when the problem arises. The team is highly skilled and trained to fulfill all the requirements of the users. The creator is a specialist in Pogo Games, Click Here for all the more interesting data.